Thankful For: Family and loved ones...
It's Thursday December 11th, 2008. About two weeks ago I was at a Kane's furniture showroom. I was shopping around for a kitchen table. I browsed the store for about 30 minutes, couldn't find anything that caught my interest, so I headed for the front door.
On my way out I saw an Orlando Magic promotional drawing that Kane's was sponsoring. I walked by it, but then I thought to myself, "What the hell, you never know, I entered a contest this past summer and won, so why not just enter?" For a second I thought it was a gimmick like time share or something where they would just put me on a mailing list. I filled out the form, folded it, and dropped it in the slot.
About 15 or so years ago I remember entering a similar drawing at a KFC I believe. That's when Shaq, Penny Hardaway, and Nick Anderson were on the Magic roster. I was living with my grandparents at the time, and I left town for the summer to spend it in Nashville. I remember my grandmother calling me telling me that I had to call this number to claim this prize. She didn't tell me what the prize was for or anything. Back then, our area codes were not flooded, so we didn't have to dial them, just the 7 digits. My grandmother gave me the 7 digits, and I called using the 407 area code. I kept getting a wrong number, and my grandmother kept telling me these people kept calling and leaving messages for me to call and claim this prize before the deadline.
Long story short, because of the miscommunication, I found out later that I had won the KFC/Magic drawing and I had to call to claim the prize which was first class round-trip tickets to an away game, dinner with the team, 5 star hotel accommodations, and limo service to and from the game. I didn't call to meet the deadline to claim the prize because of the miscommunication, and it was given to an alternate. MAN, I WAS PISSED!!!! I remember how bummed I was. It was a Friday night when I found out, and I was out with some friends. I was so bummed :(
Fast forward to two days ago, I got a call from the Orlando Magic telling me that I had won the Kane's promotional drawing, and I won two tickets to next weeks game against the San Antonio Spurs, plus a meet and greet at the end of the game with one of the Magic players. How cool was that! I was so happy!!! I felt as if it were redemption from what I lost out on 15 or so years ago.
So, the moral of the story is, YOU NEVER KNOW UNLESS YOU TRY.
So when you are questioning taking a chance on something, take the chance. If fear keeps you from things you are working at attaining, don't let fear win. Take the chance, and give it a try, and if it doesn't work out, then try again, and again, and again, because eventually it will come through...
Happy holidays, be safe and well...
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