Here's a song from a little ways back. It was written in 2000 w/ my good friend Michael Tait of the Grammy winning group dcTalk and current lead singer of The Newsboys. We wrote it in the Fall/Winter of 2000, when he came down for a visit. The content is obvious, a run of the mill break-up song. Who doesn't go through breakups, right? It's about the lessons learned from them and how you can apply them to your life in a positive way that counts. We had a good time writing then demo-ing the tune. When I was touring the college circuit heavily I released a limited CD to the college market called "TWEAK" which included this song. It's currently out of print, but I may release it digitally in the future.
Here's the link for the studio version: Listen for Michael Tait's background vocals. What a voice that guy has. I was blessed to have worked w/ him on this tune.
My good friend Chris Kirkpatrick from *NSYNC shopped me to every major label back then, and we had a meeting w/ Arista Records and LA Reid. We played this tune in the meeting and the A&R guy really dug the tune and said, "this could be your first singe!" Although the deal never solidified w/ Arista, it was a great validation that they dug the tune. I remember them telling me that they had to focus on a few new artists that they had just signed, then they would get to me. One of those newly signed artist's was Avril Lavigne.
Enjoy the tune...
Playlist Pick: Too Late - Ron Irizarry
Thankful For: God's Love, I know his love is real & is always with me...