Took a walk to Virgin Megastore the other day while on break during a gig at the House of Blues. I was excited and happy to find my record between two really great bands from two different genres. INXS, which is one of my favorite bands of the 80's and 90's (Michael Hutchence rest in peace...) and Iron Maiden, one of the all time greatest hard rock bands. So, I'm in good company and on my way. Looking forward to when I'm in the number one best sellers rack.
Wishing you all a successful, peaceful, and worry-free day. Life is too short, love your fellow man, and work through the challenges and conflict with your loved ones... It's truly worth it all...
Just a quick Happy Thanksgiving to all my friends, family, fans, friend's families, fan's families...I'm off to eat some turkey and enjoy some quality time with my loved ones. My hope and wish for you today is that you feel love like you have never felt it before, in a beautiful, positive, healthful way...
Thanks for all your support over the years... Blessings to you and yours...
Playlist Pick: Say - John Mayer Thankful For: The breath of life
I just returned from a very positive and successful charity event for the Helping Hand Foundation. I had the great privilege of working with a gentleman by the name of Trevor Clark from the Theta Chi Fraternity. He invited me to be a part of the event that was a 5K run and Bar-B-Q, as well as the benefit concert all held at Memory Mall across from the UCF Arena.
It was an extremely positive day! The weather, all the people there, and the positive energy in the air. There's something about positive energy. If you surround yourself with it, it charges you in such a great way. It feeds my soul to know that there are genuinely kindhearted people still in the world. I believe it is at everybody's core, something we are born with. The difference is where people get wounded in their life, and the unprocessed hurt that stays bottled up into anger without any healthy discharge... I'm rambling...
Best Buy was kind enough to provide sound for the day, and Stefanotto was on the roster for the day, so we got to perform "SO CRAZY". If you haven't heard it, please check it out. We always get so many positive comments when we perform it. Peter Baldwin was hanging out before Stefanotto took the stage, so it was good to see him. If you havn't checked him out, please do. He's really great! Artisitc, the real deal... Also, Bubbalou's brought the BBQ and it was good.
Ok, off to my next gig this evening at The Grape. I'll be at the House of Blues tomorrow. Ryan and his band One Republic will be in the main hall, so hopefully we'll get a chance to say hello and catch up for a bit.
Just got introduced to this new service online called Say Now. Stop on by and check out my page, call my number, leave a message, keep in touch with my latest updates. Fun times...
Hey, it's Friday!!! Have a great day, a great weekend, and check out this inspiring quote by Mother Teresa that my friend Eric Lusion posted on his facebook page below...
"People are unreasonable, illogical and self-centered. Love them anyway. If you do good, people will accuse you of ulterior motives. Do good anyway. If you are successful you win false friends and true enemies. Succeed anyway. The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway. Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable. Be honest and frank anyway. People favor underdogs but follow only top dogs. Fight for some underdogs anyway. What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight. Build anyway. People really need help but may attack you if you help them. Help people anyway. Give the world the best you have and you"ll get kicked in the teeth. Give the world the best you"ve got anyway." - Mother Teresa
Playlist Pick: Rock & Roll - Eric Hutchinson Thankful For: The cool Autumn weather FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 21, 2008
RON IRIZARRY On Official Entry Ballot For 2009 Grammy Awards
Film, Music, Entertainment
The National Academy of Recording Arts & Sciences has placed Ron Irizarry on the official entry ballot for the 2009 Grammy Awards in the following category:Best Song Written For Motion Picture, Television Or Other Visual Media - Henry Poole Is Here (From Henry Poole Is Here)Ron Irizarry was the recent winner of the Henry Poole Is Here songwriting contest hosted by Overture Films, Lakeshore Entertainment, and MySpace Music. His winning song of the same title beat out over 3500 entries. With his win, Irizarry filmed his first music video for the song with legendary music video and film director Mark Pellington, who has worked with the likes of Richard Gere, Tim Robbins, U2, and Bruce Springsteen. The music video premiered on MySpace Movies, and to date has over 66,000 views. The winning song was included as the title track on the official motion picture soundtrack and the music video will be included on the DVD release.Irizarry then made his national television debut performing the song on The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson on CBS, with rave reviews, and was a special guest at the film's Hollywood Premiere alongside stars, Luke Wilson&George Lopez, where his music video was debuted on the big screen before the film's screening.This marks Ron Irizarry's first official entry ballot for an award. Nominations will be announced on December 3, 2008 on CBS."I am so honored to be on the entry ballot," says Irizarry. "To be in the company of such great artists and songwriters like Diane Warren, John Mayer, and Alicia Keys, is such a great and validating feeling! I hope to follow in the footsteps of the manygreat musicians that came before me."
If you haven't heard the song or gotten a copy of Ron's album, what are you waiting for?! Available now on iTunes and Visit Ron Irizarry'sOfficial website and hear samples of his music at or at
For more information contact: Email:
Playlist Pick: Ever the Same - Rob Thomas Thankful For: Having a beautiful woman that loves me unconditionally
It is Tuesday night 9:48 PM. I am sitting at my desk staring at my Samsung SyncMaster 941BW monitor that is displaying code in the form of images fed from my Macbook. I love my Macbook. Apple has done a successful job selling a lifestyle, not just products, and they have me hooked. Rockin' the iPhone as well thanks to my lovely fiancee' and her kind hearted gift-giving.
I can't help but think of how blessed and fortunate I am right now. Life is good, and at this very moment, I am in a very still moment of calm and relaxation.
Yesterday, I had the great priviledge of working with one of the industry's top photographers Mrs. Brook Pifer. What a wonderful gift this woman has. She just knows how to capture moods, vibes, and moments. It was my second time working with her, and it was an awesome time. I was very lucky to have my fiancee' along with me to keep my company and be an awesome source of support. I'm usually trucking off to events by myself, so I was blessed and thankful that she gave up her day off to spend it with me on a work day.
Along for the trek as well was my good friend and high-end uber stylist Diana Munoz. If you ever need some new style, go see her at Ego Lab and she'll hook you up like you've never been hooked up. I don't see her work as a hair cut, trim, color, etc... rathar, I see it as art. She seems to create works of art, masterpieces, if you will from the blank canvas of her client's hair. It's good stuff, so check her out when you get a chance.
The day started in the studio, wardrobe picked out, first set up, wardrobe change, second set up, and so on. We ulimately ended up in the streets of Winter Park shooting around wherever Brook found cool spots. If you watch the video (shot mostly by my lovely fiancee'), you'll see what I mean. It was a great day, and I'm very excited to see the outcome of the collective effort by all there that day.
It is now 10:22 PM, Tuesday night. I just drank a FIJI bottled water, and am on my second. Yes, I am happy! My fiancee' called and will be home soon. Also, I'm thinking Grammy!!! I made the Grammy ballot, and will find out if I am a nominee on December 3rd!!! Lakeshore Records (The #1 Soundtrack Label In The Word!) has been so kind through this whole journey, and I'm just excited all around. Tonight I hung up pictures of Grammys on the fridge, bathroom mirrors in the house, in my office in front of me, and in my Explorer. The power of positive thinking! Think Grammy=get Grammy.
Playlist Pick: Lost - Coldplay Thankful For: 2 more days til Friday.
Ron Irizarry’s music video for "Henry Poole Is Here" has been accepted as a finalist in the 5th Annual Chicago Filipino American Film Festival music video program, and will be presented on Friday, November 7 at 10pm along with other festival finalists. The winner will be announced at the end of the evening.If you are in the Chicago area, please make it out to support Ron’s music video, as this will be the first appearance of his work in a film festival!Special thanks to CFAFF, Overture Films, Lakeshore Entertainment, Mark Pellington, and MySpace for the wonderful opportunity!Please visit for more information, and the Facebook Event page for all festival details:
Artist at heart, lover of life, it's ups and downs, and the journey and it's process. Romantic but yet a realist. Sing, play guitar, & write music because I need to.